Tuesday, January 15, 2008

TBR 2008 Tuesday

Yes...another challenge...lo and behold, I have a cause to deplete the stack that resides on the nightstand!
It's the "To Be Read" Challenge...12 books that I've wanted to read for 6 months or longer and the following definitely qualify. Plus I have another 8 as alternates!

1. Burning Bright (Chevalier): read already and reviewed...this had been around so long that it was actually an advanced copy!
2. Suite Francoise (Nemirovsky)
3. A Thousand Splendid Suns (Hosseini)
4. Memory Keeper's Daughter (Edwards)
5. Poisonwood Bible (Kingsolver)
6. Sliver of Truth (Unger)
7. The Italian Lover (Hellenga)
8. Electric Michelangelo (Hall)
9. Magical Thinking (Burroughs)
10. Paradise (Morrison)
11. In the Company of a Courtesan (Durant)
12. The Road (McCarthy)

And the alternates:
1. Widow of the South (Hicks)
2. The Doctor (Ducker)
3. Memoirs of a Geisha (Golden)
4. On Beauty (Smith)
5. Inheritance of Loss (Desai)
6. Exit Ghost (Roth)
7. Yiddish Policeman's Union (Chabon)
8. Emperor's Children (Messud)
9. Everyman (Roth)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have some great books on this list. I hope you get to read them all - the challenges are great motivation!!!

I hope you're watching Idol. The guy who wrote a song for Paula had me in tears.

=) Jill

January 15, 2008 at 9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got Electric Michelangelo on my TBR shelves too. And a couple of others on your list. Nice list, btw.

January 22, 2008 at 6:33 PM  

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